What is the vegetable glycerin present in e-clopes?

Vegetable glycerin is a considerable element to complete the manufacture of the electronic cigarette. However, many vaporizers are unaware of its existence and its usefulness in e-clopes. The reason for this article is to reveal its purpose, as well as amply explain its function from an interview with a scientist from a renowned laboratory.

About vegetable glycerin

Vegetable glycerin is the glycerin in the pharmaceutical world USP or United States Pharmacopeia and EP European Pharmacopoeia whose amount is at least 99.5% glycerol. Also, glycerol is the basic product of glycerin. It is thicker than water. However, the types of glycerin used in pharmacological class e-liquids can be nutritious provided that a food certificate is present. In particular, it is categorized in AFNOR XP-300-2. Vegetable glycerin and animal glycerin are all used in electronic cigarettes.

The use of vegetable glycerin

Several industrial products require the use of VG such as: medicines, cosmetics, drinks, detergents... Also, a fat insurer, it is used as a support in capsules, antiseptics, syrups for bronchitis and suppositories in pharmaceutical manufacturing. A formidable ingredient in the compositions of beauty products, it plays a very important role in soaps, day and night creams, shampoos. It makes the skin soft and moisturized. Animal and human foods also contain GV. Precisely in liquid perfumes, sweetening and emulsifying, it is favorable as a preservative factor. Finally, many companies benefit from GV in the operations below :
  • Elaboration to chemical terms.
  • Controller of freshness in tobacco manufacturing.
  • Plastics, paper, textile and paint manufacturing.
  • Preservative for hydraulic jacks in the construction of cars and airplanes.
  • An agent to increase steam during steaming.

Vegetable glycerin and human health

The GV is mainly attached in the liver and kidneys. For its neoglucogenesis reaction, 60% assimilated are modified into glucose. However, these become energy in the cells for mitochondrial inhalation. The rest takes the use of esterification to create lipid storage in the body. During vaporization, it is important to respect the prescribed dose in order to eliminate the side effects of VG. The e-liquids present in the electronic cigarette too hot can cause a decrease in glycerol and triggers the risks that are acrolein, formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. This can even reduce the consequences of insufficient e-liquid such as the hit in the throat.
Where does the nicotine in e-clopes come from and how to manage its dose?
What is Propylene glycol present in e-clopes?

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